piątek, 5 września 2014

The Big Bang Theory - Who`s smarter dolphins or Zack S04 E11 - The Justice League

Kto jest mądrzejszy – delfin czy Zack? Niby odpowiedź jest oczywista, ale to mogą być jedynie pozory…

Leonard: Do you understand why people don't want to play with you?
Sheldon: No... although it's a question I've been pondering since preschool.
Leonard: Hey.
Zack: Hey.
Leonard: Hey.
Penny: Hey, your copy of science magazine was in my mailbox.
Leonard: Oh, thanks.
Zack: Check it out - all about planets this month.
Leonard: That's an atom.
Zack: Agree to disagree. That's what I love about science. There's no one right answer.

Leonard: So... You and Zack again, huh?
Penny: Yeah, yeah, me and Zack again.
Zack: Were we here earlier?
Penny: Okay, we should, we should go.
Zack: Ah, not yet. I want to talk science with the science dudes.
Howard:   Oh, and the science dudes want to talk science with you. What do you want to talk about rocks, dinosaurs, our friend the beaver?
Zack: You know, I saw this great thing on the Discovery Channel. Turns out that if you kill a starfish, it'll just come back to life.
Sheldon: Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts? Because you might have been watching Nickelodeon.
Zack: No, I'm almost sure that it was the Discovery Channel. It was a great show. They also said dolphins might be smarter than people.
Leonard: They might be smarter than some people.
Zack: Maybe we can do experiment to find out?
Sheldon:  Oh that is easy enough. We'd need a large tank of water, a hoop to jump through, and a bucket of whatever bite-sized treats you find tasty.

Zack: I don't get it.
Leonard: A dolphin might.
Zack: Oh, I see. You guys are inferring that I'm stupid.
Sheldon:  That's not correct. We were implying it. You then inferred it.
Zack: Let's go.
Penny: You know, for a group of guys who claim they spent most of their lives being bullied, you can be real jerks. Shame on all of you.
Raj: What the hell did I do?
Penny: You laughed.

Sheldon:  Penny.
Penny: What?
Leonard: Yeah, we came to talk to Zack. Hey, Zack.
Zack: What do you want?
Leonard: Listen, the stuff we were saying before we were just kidding around.
Zack: No, you weren't. You were making fun of me.
Leonard: Come on, that's what we do. We give each other a hard time. Hey, Sheldon, you look like a praying mantis.
Sheldon:  That's very hurtful.
Leonard: See?
Zack: I don't know, it still wasn't very nice.
Sheldon:  Milk Dud?
Zack: Oh, I love Milk Duds. Okay, we're cool.
Sheldon:  Junior Mints.
Zack: You guys want to come in and have a beer?
Leonard: Uh, we're on our way to the comic book store.
Howard:  Leonard's buying.
Zack: Really? I haven't been to a comic book store in literally a million years.
Sheldon:  Literally? Literally a million years?
Leonard: Don't.
Zack: You want to go with 'em?
Penny: No.
Zack: Okay, see you later.
Penny: Wait, wait, wait, wait! You're ditching me to go look at comic books?
Zack: Are you mad at me?
Penny: I'm not happy.
Zack: Milk Dud?

to ponder – zastanawiać się, rozważać
to check out – tu: sprawdzać
beaver – bóbr
to turn out that… – tu: okazywać się, że…
starfish – rozgwiazda
to find out – dowiadywać się
tank – tu: zbiornik
hoop – obręcz
bucket – wiadro, kubeł
treat – tu: poczęstunek, uczta
tasty – smaczny, apetyczny, pot. atrakcyjny, sexy
to infer – wnioskować, wyciągać wnioski
to imply – sugerować, dawać do zrozumienia
to bully – znęcać się, terroryzować
stuff – rzeczy, bzdury, coś (wieeeeele znaczeń)
to kid – oszukiwać, nabijać się (z kogoś)
mantis – modliszka
milk dud – karmelowy cukierek

to ditch – tu: porzucać (kogoś)

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